Monday, November 22, 2021

Watch Out World!! Gabe is 16!!


Oh. My. Goodness! Gabe is 16 years old!! 

How did that happen?!?

Gabe is just the happiest, sweetest, most kind-hearted teenage boy that you will ever meet. 

He loves music, politics, reading and school. 

He is taking his first college class this semester - Statistics -  and he is killing it! 

This year he also entered an original music ensemble into a Young Composer's competition. He didn't win, but the judges were super impressed with his work and said that can't wait to see what he does next! 

I can't believe that we have been parents for 16 years. What a joy Gabe has made it for us!

Our neighbor's sold us this convertible for a great price and it suits him well! 

Hasn't he become the handsomest guy?!?

Happy 16th birthday, Gabe! We are so proud of the man you are becoming and feel so blessed to have a front row seat to watch you grow. 

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