Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Student Choir Tour Day 5

Did I mention that the a/c on bus 1 still wasn't working after our night in the parking lot? And bus 2's a/c never did get fixed either. So, we had different buses in Colorado. 

Our first JDC in Colorado was Marvin Foote Youth Service Center in Englewood. They have tons of prairie dogs right outside of the center - which the kids found fascinating. 

This JDC looked very much like a prison. The kids were very nervous there, not to mention dealing with altitude sickness, dehydration from sweating the last 2 days on a sweltering bus and some travel tummy issues. 

While some kids are setting up the risers and sound, the others pray over the concerts. 

The residents here were rough! The heckled and made fun of our kids the entire time. The yelled and cussed, but our kids stood firm!

This picture may look like the first row is praising, but they are actually mocking. 

Aren't they a good looking bunch of kids?

Not to mention the sponsors!!

When all was said and done that night the kids shared with us that it all just urged them to give their all even more. They actually felt honored to be mocked for the sake of the gospel. The response they got from those residents is what they were most nervous about and they survived it and weren't as scared anymore! 

After that concert we had some fun! We went to the Georgetown Loop Railroad and rode a steam locomotive! 

It was gorgeous and we all had a great time! Just what we needed to be ready for the next performances!

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