Thursday, July 2, 2020

Going to Grandma's

 We spent a long weekend in Belton at the beginning of June. It was the first time since Christmas that we had seen my parents because of the pandemic. Momma has Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease. Because of that and her medicines for it, she is very high risk for COVID-19. We stayed in the RV and only visited on the porch. Except for a few masked and plastic covered hugs, we stayed 6 feet apart - most of the time. 

These were the best and most needed hugs, ever!

Funny story: Once after a visit to GiGi and PopPop's house, Faith's AWANA leader asked her where they live. Faith responded with, "I don't know, but I think it is close to the North Pole, because there are a lot of reindeer there."

The (whitetail) "reindeer" didn't disappoint. Faith had the best time feeding them popcorn, strawberry tops, watermelon rind and whatever other food scraps she could. 

They also enjoyed soaking in the hot tub. 

Although at one point Faith decided to "dive" to the bottom, hit her nose, and came up with a rather gushy nose bleed. It's always an exciting time with Faith around. 

PopPop had a surprise up his sleeve for the boys. He handed a bow and arrow he used for bow hunting down to them! He was already the coolest grandpa ever in their eyes, but it totally earned him some extra cool points. 

Ummm. Yep. Mig will only used the bow supervised for awhile.....HA!! 

The long weekend was packed with so much fun, that there will be more posts coming! 

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