Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Cold Winter!

This has been a crazy winter, and I've got to say, I think we are ALL happy that spring is just around the corner! We have had quite a few snow days with cancelled activities and days where we were better off just staying inside our cozy house! The kids love the snow, though. They feel that if the temperature is going to be below freezing, it better at least snow! Here are some pictures from the first week of February - hopefully our last snow day of winter 2014!

 For the following picture I had the kids take a piece of black card stock outside to observe the snowflakes. They were so BIG that I didn't even need a macro lens to get this image! The kids were amazed at how detailed the snowflakes are! Our God is so creative and magnificent! 

And of course, with snowflakes that big, you just have to try catching a few on your tongue!

The snow this year has been fun, but we are ready for Spring!! Hope you have all had a cozy winter!

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