Thursday, February 11, 2021

Happy Year of the Ox!


Happy Chinese New Year! 

If you have followed this blog for very long, you know that we celebrate Chinese New Year every year in celebration of Faith's heritage. Usually we have friends (that are more like family) over to celebrate. Over the years they have taught us some things about the holiday. 

One thing they taught us is the tradition of the red banners. During Chinese New Year, almost every home puts banners on their door. No one really knows where this comes from, but everyone knows what it means. The meaning of the banners is to bring blessings on a home and protection against evil spirits. This is amazingly similar to the Jewish Passover festival. 

Something else we leaned that is interesting (though maybe not Chinese New Year specific) is that the Chinese symbol for boat is literally "vessel for 8 people" and the symbol for flood is literally "8 together on earth". This is interesting considering that there were only 8 people that survived the world wide flood of the Bible (Noah, his wife, his 3 sons and their wives).

Chinese New Year will not be the same without a house full of friends, but will be a special day to celebrate Faith and the country that gave us her. 

Happy Chinese New Year 2021!! 

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