Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Let's Go Fly a Kite

In the midst of Corona Virus Craziness, flying a kite seems so mundane and serene. Seems like a good time to make a kite flying post to me!

One of our neighbors has a great kite flying field. He also has the great pond that we fish in. We are so blessed that he lets us enjoy his field and pond!! 

Nicol and Felix (Byron's sister and brother-in-law) bought the kids this beautiful balloon kite this summer and we have just now gotten it out to fly!

The Clone Trooper had to get out and fly as well. 

This winter wasn't really a cold winter, but it was pretty cloudy and wet. I am ready for sunshine and spring time! 

We are trying to take advantage of this slower paced life that Corona Virus has caused. Homeschool group activities have been canceled, church activities have been cancelled, our convention was even cancelled so we have played board games, watched movies and enjoyed slow dinners at the table. We have baked more and read more. We are staying close to home and keeping clean and separate. I hope you are all taking advantage of the slowness and finding ways to enjoy peace in the middle of chaos. 

Be still. Trust. Have faith. God is in control.

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