Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Adoption Reunion Day 3

Day 3 of our 5 year reunion started off with worship! 

Maddox was super excited to take friends to church!

Annette and I thought we should have a picture since we were all dressed up. 

These dresses can easily go from church to the cat walk - right!?!

We love all of our adoption group, but the Vaughn's have become dear friends. We share prayer requests and check in on each other frequently. They are like family to us for sure! 

Our handsome husbands needed pictures, too. 

 Like fathers like sons.

After church we headed over for a picnic in the park. 

 Everyone had a little down time after the picnic -  naps were taken. Then everyone met back up at the Vaughn house for pizza and a pool party!

He melts me!!

At the end of the evening we all said sad good-byes. The kids called each other their China cousins. These families are so precious - they are each really like family to us. 

We plan to meet up for another reunion in 5 more years to celebrate 10 years with our sweet kids in CHINA!!!

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