Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

It is 2011! Where did 2010 go?

We celebrated the new year pretty much the same way we did last year. We played games, ate gluten-free, dairy-free pizza, hid a dollar outside and then at 8:00pm CST we rang in 2011 with Brazil. As soon as "mid-night" arrives, we cut into our New Year's surprise cake. Whoever has the peice with the trinket hidden inside wins a prize!  The dollar hiding is a tradition from my side. On New Year's Eve you hid money outside and then the next day you bring it back in - it is to symbolize bringing wealth into the new year.

Byron and I came up with a TOP TEN of 2010 List:

10. Reconnecting with old friends and making some new friends - this year we were able to get in touch with friends we haven't had contact with in awhile. We also joined a Sunday School class that helped us connect here and of course - I also started a new MOPS group. Both led to new friends!

9. Celebrating Papaw's 80th Birthday - I remember a time when Papaw's goal was to live to see the year 2000. A decade later, we were celebrating his 80th birthday! What a blessing that he is still with us!

8. Renting our house out - Well, we would have perferred to sell it, but getting a renter in really relieved a lot of financial burden from us and we are blessed to have good renters!

7. Byron got to grow a little closer to his siblings -  Byron, Nicol, and Nick took two car trips together this year. This was the first time in 20 years that they have done that! A lot of time in a car makes for good bonding, I'm sure!

6. Gabe learning to ride his bike - Watching Gabe ride without training wheels was awesome!!

5. Finding out we were pregnant! - 6 years ago we were wondering if it was even possible for us to concieve a child - and now we have 3!! 2 were concieved without any fertility! God has blessed us!!

4. Miguel's first smile - and we spend so much of our day, still, trying to make him show us that smile!

3. Getting Selah Potty-Trained - She is completely diaper free and hasn't even wet the bed!!

2. Teaching Gabe to read -  What a rewarding moment for a Mommy!!!! Now he reads everything in sight!

1. Welcoming a new addition to our family - Nothing could ever top the birth of a new baby. What a precious gift we were given in Miguel!!

Hoping your 2011 is blessed!

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