Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Easter 2021

We had a quiet, but fun Easter weekend.

On Saturday we boiled dyed eggs and cooked pies.

Mig and I made a chocolate meringue pie.

Faith and I made a dairy-free coconut custard pie. Yum!!

The next morning we woke up early and headed off to our Bible Fellowship's sunrise service where Byron, Gabe and Selah led music. 

Then it was off to the main service! 

After church we had BBQ ribs on the back porch.

Mig loved his lunch!!

After lunch we had an Easter Egg Hunt Race! 

They could only find one egg of their assigned color at a time. The first to find their dozen wins!

There were also 4 "golden/orange" prize (money filled) eggs. They could each only find one of those. 

Gabe is REALLY good at a lot of things. He is a very talented musician. He has high SAT/ACT test scores. He is an award winning writer. He can memorize scripture like no one. But....he is not a good egg hunter. It's just not his game!!
Here he is passing by the yellow egg on the garage control pad....



Three times...

Again - with a little help from the hot/cold clue game....

Ahhhh! Finally!!

Enjoying the fruit of the hunt...

Then we had dessert and a game of backyard confetti egg baseball!

Whoops - this picture looks like Byron got hit in the head and confetti came out....

We ended the day with a movie on the couch and happy faces! 

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