Thursday, March 4, 2021

I got COVID-19!

On Saturday January 23, I had a slight back ache, a dull head ache and a very slight sore throat. I had no fever but by the end of the day I felt off. 

On Sunday morning I was supposed to sing with the choir at church, but when I woke up, Byron noticed that I was warm. Sure enough, I had a fever. I contacted my director and told him that I would not be there and thought I better stay home, just in case. 

 By Sunday evening photosensitivity, violent tremors and chills were added to my symptoms.

On Monday morning I fixed my coffee as usual, took a sip and tasted nothing. It was like drinking warm water. I also suffered extreme fatigue, I couldn't smell anything and my eyes ached so bad that it was hard to keep them open. My temperature climbed to 104. 

On Tuesday I drove myself to CVS for a COVID -19 test. By this time I had a dry cough plus aches, headache, fatigue - but my temperature went down to 100. 

On Wednesday I felt like I was in a brain fog. I also experienced nausea and dizziness. 

By Thursday my temperature was gone. I started to feel a little better. The aches and chills were nearly gone. I didn't have a headache any longer. I was still extremely fatigued and I was sneezing a lot and had a persistent runny nose.   

On Friday morning I received the news that my COVID test was positive. By that time it was not a surprise to me. I was experiencing cold like symptoms and fatigue, but was starting to feel more like myself except that I still couldn't smell or taste anything.

For the next 2 weeks I felt better, but by the afternoon I was zapped. I finally started getting my sense of smell and taste back a month later. Although, I don't think it has fully come back yet. 

My symptoms, though VERY miserable, were very mild compared to so many. I wore a mask any time I was in public unless we were eating out or I was singing. In fact, I am pretty positive that I got COVID from being in choir because a large percentage of our choir got it at the same time. We ended up not singing together again for a month. One of our members died from the virus and numerous were hospitalized. One of my fellow praise team leaders was just recently released from the hospital. Another has been out of work for a month because her COVID became double pneumonia. She is still not able to take a short walk without having to stop to catch her breath. 

It is a serious virus! Praise the Lord, no one else in our family got it. Another praise was that Byron was able to work from home a little to help me take care of the kids. One thing is for sure; I am ready for this virus to go away and leave us all alone! 

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