Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Dinosaur Valley State Park

On Mother's Day weekend we took a day trip to Dinosaur Valley State Park.

The park is just outside of Glen Rose, TX. We first had to go visit the dinosaur models. 

These statues were originally on display at the  1964-65 New York’s World’s Fair. They were donated to the park in 1970. T-Rex stands 45 feet tall! 

The Apatosaurus is 70 feet tall! 

After visiting the statues, we started our hike. 

The park is absolutely lovely and the weather that day was perfect!!

The coolest thing about the park, of course, is the dinosaur tracks! There are both sauropod and theropod tracks along the Paluxy River.

The sauropod tracks come from Sauroposiedon or Paluxysaurus. He was a giant plant eating dinosaur. 

The kids were thrilled when we told them they could wade in the river to search for more tracks. 

They call this area the ballroom because the tracks look like the dinosaurs are dancing.

Most of the tracks in the ballroom belong to the theropod, Acrocanthosaurus. They were carnivores and very similar in size to T-Rex. 

This is how the kids looked in real life as they were splashing in the river. 

This is how they looked in my imagination:

I was reminded of how awesome God is the entire hike. From the dinosaurs, to the dragonfly and caterpillar, God made it all! 

After playing in the river, we took a long, beautiful hike. 

They even found and explored a cave.

Finally it was time to cross back over the river. That proved easier said than done. The river bed was extremely slippery! 

Before leaving the park, Gabe and I stopped to find a geocache! 

Acrocanthosaurus tracks:

Sauroposeidon tracks:

It was such a fun day!! Memories were made, for sure! 

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