Tuesday, August 13, 2019

4th of July 2019

 I am so far behind in posting on this blog! I spent most of the summer designing a new website for our Homeschool Association  - that was a big project! Besides that, I updated my editing software and it started crashing after every 6 photos or so, so I am WAY behind on editing pictures. So frustrating. I have been troubleshooting and now I think I have fixed the issue.

Hopefully I can get caught up now, though! 

First up - 4th of July!! We got up bright and early to go to the Denton Yankee Doodle Parade with friends!

Everyone in Denton and their dogs were there! 

Gabe was impressed by this guy's harmonica belt. 

And we were super excited to see some friends in the parade - especially Miss Cheryl! 

After the parade we headed to the park where there was carnival games and bounce houses. The boys just HAD to try the mechanical bull!

BIG smile!

Later that evening we had our friends over for grilled hot dogs and fireworks in the cul-de-sac. Smoke bombs first.

Then sparklers.

Followed by fountains and roman candles.

One neighbor even brought some BIG fireworks! 

We only had one injury. Sadly, one of the dad's got a pretty good burn on his hand, but we all had a great time - even the burnt dad! 

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