Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Easter 2019

We had a great Easter! On Saturday afternoon we dyed eggs - Faith loves dying eggs!

On Easter morning, the kids found their baskets full of fun!

We quickly ate donuts for breakfast. 

Then we headed for the sunrise service at a beautiful Denton park. 

Here we are dressed in our Easter best. 

After the Sunrise Service we went to our regular church service and then we headed home for a ham lunch and an egg hunt in the back yard. 

This year instead of a traditional hunt, we tried something new. The kids broke into two teams. Gabe and Faith were on team 1 and Selah and Mig made team 2. The youngest on each time went first. Each hunter could only find one egg at a time. They had to run it back to their team's basket and tag the next hunter. The first team to gather 24 eggs won! They loved this game! 

Selah and Mig completed the hunt first. :)

Then they got confetti eggs. 

Gabe get a little rough with the girls - so Daddy let the girls get him back. 

We spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying the beautiful weather. 

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