Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Homeschool Spelling Bee 2019

January is the start of Spelling Bee season! 

In January schools all over the nation start having their local competitions. We have loved participating in the local homeschool Spelling Bee for the last 4 years. 

This year was Mig's first year to join in. He did a great job!!

Mig sailed through 4 rounds spelling "burp", "robe", "tiptoe", "sloth", and "factory" correctly before being eliminated in the 5th round on the word "lore".

This was Gabe's last year to participate. He also did great, correctly spelling "yard", "after", "view", "quest", and "gravity" before being eliminated with the word "creatures". 

Selah was one of the last 5 spellers in the contest. She moved all the way into the 10th round before misspelling a word. It was quite impressive!! She spelled "game", "grade", "relax", "royal", "scratched", "sprouted", "mirror", "Japanese", "mockingly", "writhing". Her final word was "humanitarian", which she spelled "humanitarion". 

The bee was won with the word, "cologne". 

After the bee we went to IHOP and Mig didn't finish his pancake...that was our first clue that something was wrong. By the time the rest of us were finished, he started running a fever. For the next 2 weeks the flu would run through our family. January is the start of Spelling Bee season, but it  is also Flu Season. 

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