Friday, November 9, 2018

Halloween 2018

We started celebrating Halloween a few days early by carving a pumpkin and roasting the seeds.

Byron is our master carver.

He did an awesomely spooky job!!

The kids had fun putting together costumes this year. We recently cleaned out their closets and saw that we have many, many costumes. I told them that instead of buying more costumes this year, we should use what we had. 

 The boys made swords with our neighbor and decided to be knights so that they could use their swords. Selah used an old Jedi costume and made a Sacagawea costume. Faith was a black cat - we just added $2 ears and a tail to complete the outfit. 

Byron and I were a farmer and his cow using the cow pajamas I was gifted in our Christmas PJ exchange.

This year we did something new for Halloween. Our church hosts Boogers and Halloweenies throughout our county. They ask members of the congregation to be host homes and then provide hamburgers, hot dogs and buns. Then, each host home feeds their neighborhood and loves on their neighbors on Halloween night! We went to our friend's house to help them serve their neighbors. 

We handed out candies with Gospel tracts and offered each person dinner, too!

 So many people came to have a hot dog or burger.

Byron cooked a couple hundred hot dogs!

GiGi and PopPop was able to spend Halloween with us, too! They make some super grandparents!

They weather was wet and chilly, so they stayed home, but it was fun having them here for Halloween! Everyone had a great night!

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