Thursday, June 20, 2024

Middle School and Student Choirs Wrap up for the year

One of our favorite extra-curricular activities is choir. For the first time in 10 years we did not have anyone in the Elementary Kids' Praise choir (except that I am still directing the PreK choir). 

This was Faith's first year in the Middle School Choir. She sang a solo on the song, Confidence, and did an amazing job!

Mig recited a verse to go along with the song, Greater.

Their concert was in May and then the first weekend of June they headed to Abilene to perform in churches, homeless shelters and children's homes. They both had a great time!

Selah and I just got back from a 10 day choir mission trip. The Student Choir sang on our home square, a few churches, 8 juvenile detention centers and the Royal Gorge.

Our schedule was crazy full - we sang, ate, slept and rode the bus with little down time in between and working on about 5 hours of sleep a night. But it was an amazing trip!

We saw God consistently answer prayers. Rain was forecasted for the Royal Gorge. We prayed for good weather and all of us ended up sunburnt!

By far one of my favorite memories from this trip was seeing my Uncle Mike! 

He lives in Aurora not far from one of the parks we stopped at for lunch and he was able to meet us there! We haven't seen him in 5 years - and it was SOOOOO good to hug his neck!

And we got to meet his best friend, Duke!

Duke made about 130 new friends that day!

AND we got to sing for them!  Below is a video of Uncle Mike's private performance!

What a great group of kids and sponsors!

In the past we have heard of inmates coming to know the Lord through our performances. That didn't happen this time, but we know we were planting seeds and bringing some joy to their lives. 

The kids we were singing to were mostly very hard criminals - kids that have committed murder, violent rape and things like that. We saw a fight almost break out at one facility, we were cussed at, told that "God is dead", made fun of, completely ignored and talked over and even witnessed a full fight. This is not an easy trip, physically, emotionally, mentally; but these kids are resilient and continued through it all. They struggled with altitude sickness, heat exhaustion, stomach flu, colds, and fear and kept on praising the Lord. 

I took short videos of many of the songs and posted them on my instagram stories. On a few I hashtagged the original artists and the kids were THRILLED when Cain and Anne Wilson reposted them!

Andy (pictured below) is a Youth for Christ worker in Colorado Springs and a BIG supporter of our choir. He is the one who makes it possible and even gives money each year to the youngest choir member going. These kids with him (including Selah) were the youngest members in the last few years. 

The kids are constantly in prayer for the inmates and for each other. 

And they REALLY praise!

One night on tour I got to share about going through the motions of Christianity and being a true believer. I shared some practical ways to know which one you are. Afterwards, one of our girls came to me and said she realized that she wasn't a true Christian and really wanted to be one. I got to pray with her as she truly accepted Christ as Lord and Savior of her life!!! An amazing moment!!

There were 20 sponsors that went with the students (we are missing a few here). We become the best of friends over the tour. After 3 years of touring together, I consider them more like family and really do miss them when I get home. 

Our homecoming concert is always a big celebration!

And the very last song - as a finale - all of the previous members are asked to join the choir on stage for O, Happy Day. It was Gabe's first time to come up for this!

It was a happy day, indeed! 

We are ready for next year ----well, maybe after I rest up a bit more! 


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