Friday, May 24, 2024

Selah's Junior Prom

The Texas Homeschool Christian Prom was on April 26th. It was Selah's first time to go to the big prom. 

She did not have a date and so she asked me to take her pictures with Hooty! 

Isn't her dress gorgeous?!?

The pictures do not fully capture the beautiful sparkles!

She looked like a princess straight out of a Fairy Tale!

In fact, the prom theme was Happily Ever After this year!

This is her friend, Nina.

And Allie

Her table mates

The Dublin sodas are always a big hit at prom.

At the Texas Homeschool Christian Prom there are always actors that are stationed throughout the prom in staged areas for photo ops. 

Here is the Mary Poppins set:

AND this year I was one of the actors on set! I had a blast being Alice in Wonderland all night!!

I had hundreds of fun tea parties with the most beautifully dressed guests!

Do you recognize the Hatter? He played Doc Brown in Gabe's first prom!! Below is a picture of us in the DeLorean!

We had THE BEST time together this year!!

We even got our own tea party!

I did all kinds of fun things that night like falling through the rabbit hole.

Becoming a giant (and completely ruining Mr. Rabbit's house)

Taking to flowers

And I got to keep my head - even though the Queen of Hearts really wanted to behead me on several occasions. 

I ran into very appropriately dressed friends from church!

And hosted a party for all of the Disney princesses (and a few villains).

Selah and I both had such a fun evening!!!

(I just don't know who had more fun.) 


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