Thursday, July 2, 2020

Back Porch Tea for Four!

On our Saturday in Belton the boys all went on a major fishing trip. They hired a guide and took a ride on his boat. Unfortunately, after hours out on the boat, Mig was the only one to catch anything. They still had a blast, though! 

While the boys were out, GiGi and I transformed her back porch into a magical tea party!

We had tea sandwiches and so many treats! 

For Mother's Day the girls and I send GiGi some blooming teas. They are flower balls that open in hot water - so we had blooming tea in fancy tea cups. 

We all got dressed up in sundresses and hats. Once everything was set, we got the girls. They were so excited with the surprise! 

We really did stay 6 feet apart - except for these pictures....

 We ate our goodies, drank our tea and had a great time. 

Such a fun, girly time!! 

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