Friday, March 1, 2019

100th Day of Homeschool 2018

We celebrated our 100th Day of School on the first Friday of February.

We always start the day with "100" donuts. I almost forgot this year, but the kids made sure I remembered!

We have celebrated with "100" themed activities in the past. We have also celebrated with a Game Board day. This year I decided to do something different. We had a Harry Potter themed STEAM Challenge day. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics.

I bought these "STEAM" Challenge cards from TPT: 

Harry Potter Inspired STEAM Printable Challenge Cards

The first challenge was an Aragog Spider Web. The goal was to construct a realistic spider web using one container of dental floss.

They did a pretty good job!

The next challenge was a Harry Potter Egg Drop. The goal was to design a container to protect a raw Harry Potter egg from a fall. 

First, they had to draw Harry Potter's face on their eggs.

Then they used things around the house to make their contraptions.

 Then we dropped them from our stairway onto our entryway floor.

Faith's did not survive. 

Mig's did not survive.

Selah's DID survive!!

Gabe thought his had survived until he looked in the bottom of his cup and found a yoke!

But he is still smiling.

Their next Challenge was to work together to build a freestanding tower out of balloons. 

This was harder than it sounds! 

Next they had to plan, design and create a marble run using things from around the house.

The final challenge was to build and launch a whirling Peeves the Poltergeist rocket using M&M canisters, aka seltzer tablets and water. Their goal was for their rocket to travel the highest average distance in three trials. They could vary the amount of alka-seltzer and water to try to get the best results. 

It was really fun to watch them launch!

Everyone had a fun time taking a break from our normal schooling. It was a neat way to celebrate 100 days of schooling! 

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