Thursday, October 29, 2015

Recycle Center Field Trip

Our Homeschool Share Group recently went on a very fun and educational field trip! 

We headed over to the Denton Recycle Center!!

The Denton Recycle Center offers tours at no cost to community members and school groups. A few of our Share Group families have learned about recycling and so it was a very interesting trip for our kids. We learned about the landfill, the energy that the landfill can generate and how our city of Denton separates and uses recyclable material.

One of the most fun thing was for all of our families to stand on the truck scale and measure our weight. We were literally A TON of homeschoolers on a field trip!! 

We were able to look at the machines and conveyor belts that separate the recycling. It is so nice to live in a place that does this...we just put all of our recycling in one basket and they take it to their center and separate it there. 

Each year Denton hosts a Recycled Clothing Fashion Show. This is one of the winners from the show!

So many cans!

The kids also got a chance to wear hard hats and vests like the workers at the center. They read through picture books about trash and recycling, and they played with recycled toys.

Field trips are always more fun with friends!

Our guide taught the boys how to get the trucks to honk - so after our tour, they watched for the trucks and tried to get them to honk for them. This was a favorite part for most of the bigger boys. 

This was a quick and FREE field trip!! We learned a lot and had a lot of fun doing it! 

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