Tuesday, February 17, 2009


ok...I do a lot of posts about Selah...so here is one about Gabe and only Gabe.
He is a total camera hog. Every time I pull out my camera he says, "Take a picture of ME!"
But he makes a really good subject!!

He is really into dressing up right now. In fact I have had to limit him to 1 costume a day - or we would be changing costumes all day long!!

For Christmas he begged Santa for roller skates. We kept trying to brain-wash him
to get him to change his mind. Didn't work...and Christmas morning there were roller skates under the tree!! Here he is skating super fast in our garage.

He is still way into classical music! Oh, boy was he excited to see Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman play at the inaguration!! Here is our little virtuoso playing a real violin at Christmas.

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