Wednesday, February 19, 2025

More Winter Snow


This morning we saw temperatures of 14 degrees with a real feel of -6 degrees. We also got a light dusting of snow. 

Aristotle said, "To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold". 
I do not like the cold, but I was able to withstand it to find the beauty this morning and I am glad I did. 

Of course, it helps to know that next week's highs will be in the mid 70's!! 

The Bush Center at SMU

 We got to celebrate President's Day in a super cool way this year! We went to the George W. Bush Presidential Center at SMU. 

They had a great 9-11 Memorial Display.

We even found Dominick Pezzulo's name (he was Will Jimeno's friend).

We also heard a sweet story about one of the first responders. George Howard was off duty but rushed in to help when the towers were hit. He didn't make it out. His mom gave President Bush George's badge when he visited ground zero. The president carried it in his pocket until the end of his presidency. Now it is on display at the Bush Center. 

The Center also has the situation room from Bush's presidency set up - it is the actual paneling and furniture from the Bush White House. 

One of the coolest things was the full size replica of the Oval Office!

Besides the Presidential displays they also had a temporary display of artifacts including a 14th-century copy of the Magna Carta and rare versions of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and Bill of Rights, as well as other pivotal documents and objects from world history, including the newspapers chronicling women’s suffrage, the Emancipation Proclamation and rare books by thinkers from Jean-Jacques Rousseau to Martin Luther King, Jr.

It was a great field trip and a memorable President's Day!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day


Hooty and the rest of us wish you all 

a day full of hugs, 


and treats! 

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Chief Master Sergeant!

Mig achieved yet another Civil Air Patrol promotion! He is now Chief Master Sergeant!

This time the girls got the opportunity to pin him and they giggled the whole time making Mig almost giggle, too!

We are so very proud of Mig! He has promoted every time he has the chance and is flourishing in the squadron. He was also named First Sergeant of the squadron this term and is loving that position. We can't wait to see how God will use these opportunities in Mig's future! 


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Our 100th Day of Homeschool!


For our 100th Day of School we decided to take a field trip to The Heard Museum and Nature Preserve. 

We started by perusing the museum exhibits.

There were even some animals in the museum.

The tortoise was our favorite.

After going through the museum we headed out to the nature preserve to hit the hiking trails. 

On one trail, there were life size dinosaur statues. 

The weather was delightful - but there was still snow on the ground. 

We had so much fun exploring the trails. 

We even saw some wildlife along the way. 

It was a GREAT field trip and a fun way to celebrate the 100th day of school. 

A Future Flame!

Congratulations to our Future Flame!

Selah was officially accepted at Liberty University where she will be attending online. 

We are so excited about her next steps and stage of life!!